We’ve collected helpful resources, trainings, webinars, and more to support Washington’s maritime industry and careers.
Do you have a resource you’d like us to develop? Contact us and let us know.
Programming, Curriculum, Career Pathway Maps, Experiential Resources
Links to Programming, Curriculum, Career Pathway Maps, Experiential Resources.
Maritime Related Associations, Organizations, Classifications, Government, Credentialing and Agencies
Links to Maritime Related Associations, Organizations, Classifications, Government/Credentialing and Agencies.
An Analysis of the Navy’s Fiscal Year 2024 Shipbuilding Plan
Congressional Budget Office Nonpartisan Analysis for the U.S. Congress: An Analysis of the Navy’s Fiscal Year 2024 Shipbuilding Plan
Mariner Shortage Crisis in the US and Around the World: How do we recruit and retain our shipboard crew?
Executive Summary
The longer the labor shortage continues and if fewer people continue to come into the maritime industry, the easier it will be to chip away at the Jones Act and the need for a U.S. domestic fleet. The mandate for the United States is clear: we must invest in our sea services or
risk our standing as a great power. To ensure our national, homeland and economic security, we must recruit and retain the next generation of mariners to prove to our legislators and investors that the U.S. Domestic Fleet must grow and thrive again.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Resources for Workforce Education
This resource guide is a living document. We will continually update and edit to share relevant and current resources related to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging for workforce education.