Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Resources for Workforce Education

Woman welding in action

Stephanie Hoffman, American Welding Society


This resource guide is a living document. We will continually update and edit to share relevant and current resources related to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging for workforce education.

Implicit Bias

Glossary: Diversity, Bias, and Inclusion Glossary - Love Has No Labels 

Harvard Self-assessments (commonly known as the Implicit Association Test or IAT) https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html

National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) https://www.napequity.org

National Implicit Bias Network http://implicitbias.net/

Project Implicit https://www.projectimplicit.net/

UCLA Equity, Diversity and Inclusion https://equity.ucla.edu/know/implicit-bias/

University of Oregon: Implicit Bias Awareness: Resources and Activities https://vpfa.uoregon.edu/implicit-bias-awareness-monthevents-and-resources-february-2018

Washington Council of Lawyers: Implicit Bias Resources https://wclawyers.org/implicit-bias-resources/

Implicit Bias - Online Articles

Unconscious Bias Training: How to Start This Essential Process in Your Workplace, Reference, 2021

The Cost of Unconscious Bias in the Workplace, Team True Office Learning, 2019

The Science of Equality, Volume 1: Addressing Implicit Bias, Racial Anxiety, and Stereotype Threat in Education and Health Care, Perception Institute, 2014

Trauma-Informed Practices for Postsecondary Education: A Guide, Shannon Davidson, Ph.D., Education Northwest, 2017

‘True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companies, Tracy Francis and Fernanda Hoefel, 2018

Using implicit bias training to improve attitudes toward women in STEM, Sarah M. Jackson, Amy L. Hillard and Tamera R. Schneider, SpringerLink, 2014

Unconscious bias and why it matters in the workplace, John Sternlicht, 2019

Understanding Implicit Bias: What Educators Should Know, Cheryl Staats, 2016

Unconscious Racist Bias: Barrier to a Diverse Nursing Faculty, Dena Hassouneh, Ph.D., 2013

Implicit Bias – Video Resources

26 Mini-Films for Exploring Race, Bias and Identity With Students, New York Times

Example of Unconscious Bias in the Workplace  (2 minutes)

Implicit Bias in Action (4 ½ minutes)

Implicit Bias Matters: Thinking Under the Influence (T.U.I.) (4 minutes)

Implicit/Unconscious Bias in the Human Services (8 ½ minutes)

Georgetown Law's Kristin Henning on How America Criminalizes Black Youth (7 minutes)

Nixon Administration’s War on Drugs (1 minute)

Our Hidden Biases (5 minutes)

Peanut Butter, Jelly and Racism (2 ½ minutes)

Responding to Racial Bias and Microaggressions in Online Environments  (1 hour 10 minutes)

The Look (Microaggressions) (2 minutes)

Unconscious Bias (3 minutes)


National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE)  https://www.napequity.org

National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education https://nadohe.memberclicks.net/vision-a-mission-statements

National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) https://naehcy.org

National Implicit Bias Network http://implicitbias.net/

National Institute for Children’s Health Quality Implicit Bias Resource Guide National Institute for Children’s Health Quality Implicit Bias Resource Guide

Washington State LGBTQ Commission https://lgbtq.wa.gov

Washington State Commission on African American Affairs https://caaa.wa.gov

Washington State Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs https://capaa.wa.gov/about/

Washington State Commission on Hispanic Affairs https://www.cha.wa.gov/commissioners


Ageing: Ageism, World Health Organization (WHO)

Ageism is a global challenge: UN, World Health Organization (WHO), March 2021

How Does Ageism Impact More Than Just Older Adults? Very Well Mind, May 2020

National Institute on Aging Implicit Bias Resources


American Bar Association: Implicit Biases & People with Disabilities

Cares of Washington

Formerly Incarcerated

After Lockdown: Life for the Formerly Incarcerated, Pulitzer Center

Formerly incarcerated, Trojan uses her platform to change the stigma about others like her, University of Southern California


Love Has No Labels - Diversity, Bias, and Inclusion Glossary

Racial Equity Tools Glossary

UC Davis Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Glossary

University of Victoria Anti-Violence Project Glossary

Ontario Human Rights Commission Glossary of Human Rights Terms 


Barriers to Success: Housing Insecurity for U.S. College Students

Cares of Washington

Homeless Information: Washington

National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY)

State of Homelessness: 2023 Edition

Student Homelessness and Basic Needs Insecurity

United States Interagency Council on Homelessness

Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle

Washington State Department of Commerce Homeless Assistance

Resources Cited 5/17/22 Webinar: Implicit Bias and Student Homelessness with Claudia Avendaño-Ibarra, MSW LSWAIC

Ending Homelessness Resources

Equal Justice Society

Federal Government: Insights on the Upcoming Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness

Homeless Management Information System: reporting period: 2020

Homelessness and Mental Health: Impacts and Strategies for Effective Care – 04/19/22 – Northwest MHTTC

Housing First Partners Conference – 2022 Workshop Presentation Handouts.

Looking at the Rural Homelessness Experience: Definitions, Data, and Solutions - The Rural Monitor (ruralhealthinfo.org)

Skagit County Public Health

Solutions - National Alliance to End Homelessness

State of Homelessness: 2021 Edition

The 2020 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress https://www.huduser.gov/portal/sites/default/files/pdf/2020-AHAR-Part-1.pdf

The National Alliance to End Homelessness for resources, tools, and news: http://endhomelessness.org/

The National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth

The National Center for Homeless Education

The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Homeless Children and Youth

The Schoolhouse Connection

Tips for Teachers and Staff: How to Support Students Experiencing Homelessness

University of Michigan; Hypothermia and Cold Temperature Exposure

UW Runstad Center for Real Estate Studies (Fall 2021), Washington Apartment Market.

Washington State Department of Commerce, Point in Time County

What Causes Homelessness by the National Alliance to End Homelessness

Who Experiences Homelessness by the National Alliance to End Homelessness

Yale University – Implicit bias may help explain high preschool expulsion rates for black children.

Human Resources  

JoAnn Moody, “Rising above Cognitive Errors: Guidelines for Search, Tenure Review, and Other Evaluation Committees”

Lavender Rights Project: Legal Services


Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM): Implicit Bias Prevention Resources

US Department of Labor: LGBT Policy for Workers

US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: What You Should Know: HIV/AIDS & Employment Discrimination

Vice: Why do people say “never talk to HR”?

WA Department of Labor & Industries: Workers’ Rights Forms & Publications

WA Labor Education and Research Center: Washington State Workers’ Rights Manual

WA State University Human Resource Services + Implicit Bias

Women in Science & Engineering Leadership Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison (WISELI) Reviewing Applicants: Research on Bias and Assumptions

Inclusive Pedagogy

Association of American Colleges & Universities Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Cult of Pedagogy If Equity is a Priority, UDL is a Must

Georgetown University Center for New Designs in Learning & Scholarship Inclusive Pedagogy

Renton Technical College Inclusive Pedagogy Instructional Designers

Renton Technical College What is Inclusive Pedagogy?

SAGE 2YC SAGE Musings: Shifting from Deficit Thinking to Asset Thinking

The Black Sheep Community What is a deficit mindset? How to move beyond it?

UDL Guidelines Checklist

University of Michigan LSA Inclusive Teaching Implicit Bias

UU Allies for Racial Equity Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture

Yale University Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning Inclusive Teaching Strategies


American Bar Association Unconscious Bias, Implicit Bias, and Microaggressions: What Can We Do About Them?

Chief Learning Officer Leadership Development Implicit bias affects us all

Ranieka Weston pLink Leadership

Rita Cameron Wedding Ph.D. Implicit Bias Training with Impact


Lavender Rights Project: Get That Sh*t Done! Monthly Legal Clinics

Lavender Rights Project: Legal Services

Lavendar Rights Project: Prisoner Name Change Clinics

Lavender Rights Project: Providing legal advocacy and community education by and for LGBTQ communities

Lavender Rights Project: WA Black Trans Task Force

Q Law Foundation: LGBTQ Legal Clinic

Reckoning Trade Project

The Science of Equality, Volume 2: The Effects of Gender Roles, Implicit Bias, and Stereotype Threat on the Lives of Women and Girls

TEDWomen 2016: The urgency of intersectionality (18 minutes)

US Department of Labor: LGBT Policy for Workers

US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: What You Should Know: HIV/AIDS & Employment Discrimination

Vice: Why do people say “never talk to HR”?

WA Department of Labor & Industries: Workers’ Rights Forms & Publications

WA Labor Education and Research Center: Washington State Workers’ Rights Manual

Mental Health and Neurodiversity

Biases Surrounding Mental Health, Beardie Health, February 2021

Mindwise Innovations

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

Neurodiversity In the Workplace: What Is It? Who Benefits? Picked Magazine, June 2021

Overcoming stigma: Three strategies toward better mental health in the workplace, McKinsey Quarterly, July 2020

Understanding (and Getting Past) the Mental Health Stigma, Cleveland Clinic, June 2020

What is mental health stigma? Medical News Today, November 2020

What is Neurodiversity? Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School, November 2021


American Medical Association (AMA) Racism is a threat to public health, Kevin B. O’Reilly, 2020

Blackface, Implicit Bias, and the Informal Curriculum: Shaping the Healthcare Workforce, and Improving Health, Science Direct, 2020

BREAKING|BARRIERS 2 Plotting the Path Away from Juvenile Detention and Toward Academic Success for School-age African American Males,  Ivory A. Toldson, Ph.D., 2011

Bryan Stevenson on What Well-Meaning White People Need to Know about Race, James McWilliams, Pacific Standard Magazine, 2019

Epistemic exclusion: Scholar(ly) devaluation that marginalizes faculty of color, American Psychological Association, 2020

Examining Learning Through an Anti-Racist Lens, Jessica Fregni and Laura Zingg, 2020

How to Respond to Racial Microaggressions When They Occur,  J. Luke Wood and Frank Harris III, Diverse Education, 2020

Implicit Bias: More Than Just a Few Bad Apples, Dr. Rita Cameron Wedding Ph.D., Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, 2016

Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

Living With Racial Battle Fatigue, Dionne Irving, Literary Hub, 2016

Understanding the Problem With the Phrase ‘All Lives Matter’ by Abigail Bassett, 2020

U.S. Department of Education, “The State of Racial Diversity in the Educator Workforce,” 2016  https://www2.ed.gov/rschstat/eval/highered/racial-diversity/state-racial-diversity-workforce.pdf

U.S. Census

2020 Results

Additional Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Resources

Asking the Right Questions Now: Preparing for the Next Chapter of Digital Learning NROC (60 minutes)

#COVID-19 ASL Video Series Center for Disease Control (times vary) 

CORA (Center for Organizational Responsibility and Advancement)

Equity-Minded Online Teaching: Using Canvas as a Model Jennifer Ortiz for USC Center for Urban Education (90 minutes)

King County Executive: Equity and Social Justice

Safeguarding Quality, Equity, & Inclusion as Learning Moves On-line AAC&U requires free account set- up (60 minutes)

The Importance of Equity-Minded Virtual Practices During COVID19: A Conversation with Students  USC Center for Urban Education (90 minutes)

Turning Tensions and Conflict into Creative Engagement Paul Horton (55 minutes)

Trauma Informed Pedagogy: Teaching in Uncertain Times Mays Imad for MAGNA Publications (1 hour, 45 minutes) password: trauma372

V3I3: Beacon Award Winner: The 4 Connections at Lake Washington Institute of Technology


Mariner Shortage Crisis in the US and Around the World: How do we recruit and retain our shipboard crew?