Explore the programming, education, and registered apprenticeship options available for students and apprentices who want to enter the industry, professional development opportunities for educators, and the career opportunities in the maritime industry in Washington State.
The NW Center of Excellence for Marine Manufacturing & Technology supports K-12, college, and apprenticeship program educators by providing:
Educator training & event opportunities for professional development
Maritime career awareness information for students
Career pathway and exploration tools
Introductions to industry leaders and employers for ongoing collaboration
Experience Maritime 4-Day Professional Development
This STEM professional development event for middle and high school teachers, counselors, and navigators provided four full days of hands-on learning that featured:
Ocean Literacy
Ocean Lab Exercises
Shipboard Operations
Watch Standing
Marine Safety
Survival at Sea
Damage Control
Line Handling
Marine Mechanics
Diesel Engines
Maritime Career Pathways
Maritime Training Options
Participants earned 24 STEM Clock Hours.
Our Work
Implicit Bias Institute in Workforce Education
Since 2019, the Institute has served 149 workforce professionals from the community and technical college system for the two-day professional development institutes, and more than 590 webinar attendees.
Program Accreditation
The Center helped Clark College and Peninsula College attain their Accredited Testing Facility designations through the American Welding Society.
Programming, Curriculum, Career Pathway Maps, Experiential Resources
Career Connect Washington (CCW), https://careerconnectwa.org
Career Maps Maritime, http://www.mapyourcareer.org/maritime
Core Plus, https://core-plus.org
Curtin Maritime Pathway Map
Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center, https://www.marinetech.org/index.cfm
Maritime Primary and Secondary Education Coalition (MPSEC), https://mpsecoalition.net/
National Resource Center for Materials Education (MatEdU), https://materialseducation.org/
NW Maritime Center Open Educational Resources (OER Commons), https://www.oercommons.org
Open Washington, Open Educational Resources Network, https://www.openwa.org
Registered Apprenticeship, Labor & Industries, https://www.lni.wa.gov/licensing-permits/apprenticeship/become-an-apprentice
Scallywags You Tube Channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRH6NoE_L1CyLUCAKHgyBVg
Sound Experience, https://www.soundexp.org/
State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC), https://www.sbctc.edu/
Tall Ships America, https://tallshipsamerica.org
Teaching with Small Boats Alliance, https://teachingwithsmallboats.org
Washington Career Bridge, https://www.careerbridge.wa.gov/
Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), https://ospi.k12.wa.us/
Washington STEM, https://washingtonstem.org
Washington Student Achievement Council (WASAC), https://wsac.wa.gov/
Youth Marine Foundation, https://www.tacomaymf.org/
Youth Maritime Collaborative (YMC), https://youthmaritimecollaborative.org/