Product Pipeline
As part of our Career Connect Washington Maritime Sector ongoing work, we actively track, document, and inform about emerging technologies and trends. Elkhart, Indiana, is the center of the RV manufacturing universe. It’s also home to marine manufacturers and boatbuilders. Temperatures hovered around 8-below on the drive south to Elkhart, Ind., from Chicago. The landscape looked much like what I imagine as nuclear winter: buildings freeze-blasted with snow, Lake Michigan frozen a crusty gray, and factory stacks billowing ominous pillows of white steam.
I was there to visit the non-geographic center of the Indiana manufacturing belt, where approximately 80% of all recreational vehicles are built. This end of the state is also home to several boatbuilders, including Smoker Craft, Bennington and Godfrey, along with components and accessories manufacturing giants such as Lippert and Patrick Industries, which supply both the RV and recreational boating industries. Go to this link to read the full article published by Soundings Trade Only